This Week in Milford

June 8, 2018

Short of a lot of things

Filed under: Coffee Cantina, Pissy Faced Barry Bader — robmize2013 @ 7:17 pm

First of all a confession – I’m 6-3. I thought for years I was 6’4″, and even my drivers license says that, but the reality is I’m a good inch inch and a half shorter then I say I am. But its true – being tall makes things easier. Some of you know I’m a mailman by trade, and believe me, my long arms make for less wear and tear on my back and neck; less reaching for all those boxes over all these years has been one reason my body has held up so well while many others working less years have broke down and needed rotator cuff surgery, back surgery, etc.

Dont know what bull Barry is offering in P2 – give Barry 4 inches and nobody is talking about Pelwecki and his grand homers? My ass. Well, only Pelwecki talks about himself so who’s to say on this team in this town?

At the Coffee Cantina, Dafne reviews her interview with a teammate. Hey girls, schools been out for 2 weeks. What issue of the school paper is this gonna appear in? How about next September for the big opening issue? By now everyones going through the motions academically. No pun intended, but where’s your shorts girls? :)



  1. Far more and far less than we might hope for. In the former, we find a kid with serious mental health issues who blames everything which goes against him on his being “short,” perhaps at the incitement of his alcoholic father who presumably also blames everyone but himself for his problems. In the latter, the ongoing story which would never happen in any real high school. So I’m still puzzled over why Whigrub took this up.

    But in the interest of full disclosure, I must join robmize in admitting that I have little experience at being short. I was 6-5 in college but with spinal discs compressing, am down to a little over 6-3. I admit I don’t see height as much of an advantage other than for reaching things on high shelves. And there are the ongoing annoyances such as having to answer that no, god damn it, I did not play basketball.

    Comment by vaganova — June 8, 2018 @ 9:24 pm

  2. Barry is just too moronic for real life. Injection of realism please.

    Comment by Jive Turkey — June 9, 2018 @ 1:19 am

  3. This is awesome. I don’t have a randomized sample here, but anecdotally speaking, you’re modal TWIM commenter/blogger claims to be 6’4″ (as I do) but is actually only a measly 6’3″ as life has ground us down…

    Comment by timbuys — June 9, 2018 @ 5:25 am

  4. Oh, good. I’m 53″ too short to ever join the rotation.

    Comment by Downpuppy, Lord of the Files (@Downpuppy) — June 9, 2018 @ 8:44 am

  5. Mrs. teenchy’s grandmother had a phrase to describe the phenomenon we’re observing as older adults: “growing down like a cow’s tail.”

    Comment by teenchy — June 9, 2018 @ 12:04 pm

  6. I actually understand both sides on this discussion. For most of my life I was 6’4″, but seven years ago developed bone marrow cancer in my spine, which has resulted in me losing six inches of height, and now I’m down to 5’10”. It has scrunched me a bit in the torso, while my arms and legs remain the same size, but as long as I’m not tucking in my shirts it’s not so obvious to others. Though I’ve got a lot of constant pain, I’ve been in a good remission for about six years now, and lead a pretty full life, in fact probably work a bit too much if anything (60+ hours per week on average). And at least I had some height to give! I do feel a lot better about sitting in front of people at movies, concerts and ball games (I used to hear the frustration as I sat down, sorry, it was never intentional, and I tried to slouch as much as I could!)

    Comment by Moon Mullins — June 10, 2018 @ 2:33 pm

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